Notepad ++ alternatives
Notepad ++ alternatives

It also has a built-in set of programming languages for the user to choose from.

  • It Offers Different Programming Languages.
  • Notepad++ also incorporates a plug-in utility that adds functionality to your Notepad++. Search and replace feature enables you locate, find basically anything in your code, Use of macros, a handy tool that automates boring repetitive tasks, Code folding enabling you to ‘hide’ your ‘completed’ code as you work on the rest of your code, autocomplete that enables you to type the name of the function required when you can’t remember. Its advanced functionality enables the user to use keyboard shortcuts to access functions, thereby saving time.

    notepad ++ alternatives

    It is also light delivering performance and speed. You only need to visit the download site, choose the correct version, and install using the simple wizard. As a base to consider while choosing another code editor. Notepad++ among several others is a good quality editor that offers a friendly way to begin coding and has many features that a beginner needs. To a beginner, this can prove to be quite a handful.

    notepad ++ alternatives

    Normally, IDEs are quite complex as you navigate around and often require computers or devices with very high specs. However, if you are just starting to learn the ropes a good code editor like Notepad++, a windows based editor would be your best companion. If you are an expert and know your way around, then IDE would be your best bet, as discussed earlier. Out of the several options at your disposal would be where to write your code.

    Notepad ++ alternatives